Intelligent Information Tools for Construction of Objects Integral Indicators in Economic and Social System Resource Planning


  • A. A. Bas Izhevsk State Technical University
  • G. A. Blagodatsky Izhevsk State Technical University
  • M. M. Gorokhov Izhevsk State Technical University


information systems, mathematical modeling, accreditation indexes, software engineering, hierarchy analysis


Intelligent information tools for construction of objects integral indicators in economic and social system resource planning is considered. The system is based on Saati's hierarchy analysis method.

Author Biographies

A. A. Bas, Izhevsk State Technical University

; Izhevsk State Technical University

G. A. Blagodatsky, Izhevsk State Technical University

Izhevsk State Technical University

M. M. Gorokhov, Izhevsk State Technical University

; Izhevsk State Technical University


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How to Cite

Bas А. А., Blagodatsky Г. А., & Gorokhov М. М. (2011). Intelligent Information Tools for Construction of Objects Integral Indicators in Economic and Social System Resource Planning. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (3), 146–149. Retrieved from


