Formation of Liquidity Normative Indices of a Borrower by Credit Organizations


  • S. V. Deryagin Izhevsk State Technical University


indices of liquidity, normative liquidity indices, borrower, credit organization, business activity type


The balance indices of liquidity are compared with normative indices to estimate the financial assets of a borrower. Practice shows that there are differences between these two indices. At formation of liquidity normative indices it is proposed to include their average values according to business activity type of a borrower. The article uses statistics from credit organizations of the Udmurt Republic.

Author Biography

S. V. Deryagin, Izhevsk State Technical University

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How to Cite

Deryagin С. В. (2011). Formation of Liquidity Normative Indices of a Borrower by Credit Organizations. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (4), 95–97. Retrieved from


