Statistical Analysis of Learning Outcomes Based on Shift-scale Invariant Criterion


  • E. G. Plotnikova Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Perm
  • M. V. Radionova Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Perm


statistical analysis, normal distribution, shift-scale invariant criterion, correlation analysis


The paper illustrates the application of the shift-scale invariant criterion to estimate the distribution of results in mathematics exam for applicants who entered the first year of Perm HSE NRU in 2011. The method of correlation analysis was applied to investigate the dependence of entrance exam results and scores in various mathematical subjects.

Author Biographies

E. G. Plotnikova, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Perm

Doctor of Education, Professor

M. V. Radionova, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Perm

PhD (Physics and Mathematics)


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How to Cite

Plotnikova Е. Г., & Radionova М. В. (2012). Statistical Analysis of Learning Outcomes Based on Shift-scale Invariant Criterion. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (4), 168–170. Retrieved from


