Estimation of Influence of Constructive and Operation Factors on Fiberization Device Work


  • K. P. Shirobokov Votkinsk Branch of Izehevsk State Technical University


device, characteristic, air stream, fiber


An experimental research of fiberization device work characteristics and of influence of constructive and operation factors on its work is presented. The device design and research results are given.

Author Biography

K. P. Shirobokov, Votkinsk Branch of Izehevsk State Technical University

; Votkinsk Branch of Izehevsk State Technical University


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How to Cite

Shirobokov К. П. (2011). Estimation of Influence of Constructive and Operation Factors on Fiberization Device Work. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (1), 35–37. Retrieved from


