The Analysis of the Possible Reasons of Distortion of the Photoelectron Spectrum Received by Means of X-Ray Time-of-Flight Photoelectron Spectrometer


  • E. S. Korlyakov Institute of Civil Protection and Fire Safety of Udmurt Republic
  • E. V. Russkikh Institute of Civil Protection and Fire Safety of Udmurt Republic
  • S. V. Shirobokov Udmurt State University


x-ray tube, x-ray time-of-flight photoelectron spectrometer


The system of registration of x-ray time-of-flight photoelectron spectrometer consisting of a collector which is made as an intricate shape electrode, amplifier, ADC and a registering device is presented. The selection of the given scheme is caused by rather low vacuum in the working chamber (pressure is about 10-6 Torr and a photomultiplier cannot be used) and by the specific character of electronic optics in electric-field time-of-flight spectrometer (the isochronous surface doesn't converge in a point). The scheme integrates an entrance signal for ADC with the minimum value of an order 10-9 A. In such a case the noise and external disturbances influence on parameters of an entrance signal is critical. The basic sources of disturbances, a way of protection and the interference-free x-ray tube are described.

Author Biographies

E. S. Korlyakov, Institute of Civil Protection and Fire Safety of Udmurt Republic

Institute of Civil Protection and Fire Safety of Udmurt Republic

E. V. Russkikh, Institute of Civil Protection and Fire Safety of Udmurt Republic

Institute of Civil Protection and Fire Safety of Udmurt Republic

S. V. Shirobokov, Udmurt State University

; Udmurt State University


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How to Cite

Korlyakov Е. С., Russkikh Е. В., & Shirobokov С. В. (2011). The Analysis of the Possible Reasons of Distortion of the Photoelectron Spectrum Received by Means of X-Ray Time-of-Flight Photoelectron Spectrometer. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (1), 94–96. Retrieved from


