The Analysis of the Possible Reasons of Distortion of the Photoelectron Spectrum Received by Means of X-Ray Time-of-Flight Photoelectron Spectrometer
x-ray tube, x-ray time-of-flight photoelectron spectrometerAbstract
The system of registration of x-ray time-of-flight photoelectron spectrometer consisting of a collector which is made as an intricate shape electrode, amplifier, ADC and a registering device is presented. The selection of the given scheme is caused by rather low vacuum in the working chamber (pressure is about 10-6 Torr and a photomultiplier cannot be used) and by the specific character of electronic optics in electric-field time-of-flight spectrometer (the isochronous surface doesn't converge in a point). The scheme integrates an entrance signal for ADC with the minimum value of an order 10-9 A. In such a case the noise and external disturbances influence on parameters of an entrance signal is critical. The basic sources of disturbances, a way of protection and the interference-free x-ray tube are described.References
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How to Cite
Korlyakov Е. С., Russkikh Е. В., & Shirobokov С. В. (2011). The Analysis of the Possible Reasons of Distortion of the Photoelectron Spectrum Received by Means of X-Ray Time-of-Flight Photoelectron Spectrometer. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (1), 94–96. Retrieved from