Computer Modeling of Perceptive Perspective


  • Y. N. Kosnikov Penza State University
  • L. I. Osokina Penza State University of Architecture and Building


computer realization, perceptive perspective, mathematics model, Open GL library


The article describes a mathematics model of projection transformations to obtain perceptive perspective of a geometry object. The described model provides perceptive image of the geometry object by means of computer graphics Open GL library.

Author Biographies

Y. N. Kosnikov, Penza State University

; Penza State University

L. I. Osokina, Penza State University of Architecture and Building

; Penza State University of Architecture and Building


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How to Cite

Kosnikov Ю. Н., & Osokina Л. И. (2011). Computer Modeling of Perceptive Perspective. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (1), 107–110. Retrieved from


