Educational System of Controlling the Professional Competence Formation of Cadets of Military-Engineering High School


  • V. A. Glebov Perm Military Institute of the Interior Army of the Russian Federation


educational system, professional competence, evaluation tools of competency formation


The paper considers the estimation of formation of professional competence of cadets in military high school at various stages of training, and ways to improve the quality of education based on the feedback of the university with the customer.

Author Biography

V. A. Glebov, Perm Military Institute of the Interior Army of the Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Glebov В. А. (2014). Educational System of Controlling the Professional Competence Formation of Cadets of Military-Engineering High School. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (2), 200–201. Retrieved from


