Formation of Potentials of Vector Fields for Visualization


  • S. N. Chukanov Russian Academy of Sciences Institution, Siberian Branch, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Omsk Department


vector field of dynamical system, potential of vector field, invariant of vector field, decomposition of vector field, homotopy operator


The algorithm for constructing the scalar and vector potentials based on decomposition of the vector field of the dynamical system on the potential and solenoidal components by forming homotopy operator for the differential form corresponding to the vector field of dynamic system is considered in the paper. The invariants, constructed on these potentials, are used in pattern recognition of vector fields.

Author Biography

S. N. Chukanov, Russian Academy of Sciences Institution, Siberian Branch, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Omsk Department

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Chukanov С. Н. (2014). Formation of Potentials of Vector Fields for Visualization. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, (3), 142–146. Retrieved from


