Mathematical Modeling of Vapor Gas Liquid Mixture Flow Along the Conical Funnel


  • A. N. Pavlov Perm military institute of internal armies of the Russian Federation
  • A. N. Gladkov Perm military institute of internal armies of the Russian Federation
  • V. G. Sheremetyev Perm military institute of internal armies of the Russian Federation


vapor gas liquid mixture, crushing drops, gas flow


The flow of vapor gas liquid mixture along the conical funnel is described by methods of mathematical modeling.

Author Biographies

A. N. Pavlov, Perm military institute of internal armies of the Russian Federation

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. N. Gladkov, Perm military institute of internal armies of the Russian Federation

PhD in Engineering

V. G. Sheremetyev, Perm military institute of internal armies of the Russian Federation


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Там же.

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Ивандаев А. И., Кутушев А. Г., Нигматулин Р. И. Указ. соч.



How to Cite

Pavlov А. Н., Gladkov А. Н., & Sheremetyev В. Г. (2015). Mathematical Modeling of Vapor Gas Liquid Mixture Flow Along the Conical Funnel. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(3), 15–18. Retrieved from


