Human Capital and Health Capital: Problem of Categories’ Interaction


  • E. A. Polishchuk Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. A. Russkikh Kalashnikov ISTU


human capital, health capital, capital of education, investment into the health capital, economic growth


A discussion on structure of the human capital is analyzed; various human resources are compared in the paper. The health capital as a structural element of the human capital and the factor of economic growth is proved. The structure of the health capital and sources of investments into it is analyzed. The conclusion is made, that low health level negatively influences prospects of economic growth of Russia.

Author Biographies

E. A. Polishchuk, Kalashnikov ISTU

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

R. A. Russkikh, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Polishchuk Е. А., & Russkikh Р. А. (2015). Human Capital and Health Capital: Problem of Categories’ Interaction. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(3), 31–33. Retrieved from


