Trajectory Equivalence of the Two-Center Problem in the Flat Space, in the Lobachevsky Space and on a Sphere (Part 2)


  • T. G. Vozmishcheva Kalashnikov ISTU


two-center problem, Lobachevsky space, Fomenko-Ziecshang topological invariants, Liouville’s foliation, trajectory equivalence


The comparative analysis of topology of Liouville foliations of the two-center problem in the flat space, in the Lobachevsky space and on a sphere is presented. The theorem is proved that the integrable Hamiltonian under consideration are Liouville equivalent in the case of bounded motion.

Author Biography

T. G. Vozmishcheva, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Vozmishcheva Т. Г. (2015). Trajectory Equivalence of the Two-Center Problem in the Flat Space, in the Lobachevsky Space and on a Sphere (Part 2). Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(3), 110–114. Retrieved from


