Ontological Sources of Physics Study Course Within World Outlook Aspect of General Scientific Education of Students at Technical Universities


  • V. S. Mikhalkin Kalashnikov ISTU


ontology of physics education, scientific and religious world outlooks of the person


The article discusses the ontological essence of physics education covering both fundamentals of its subject domains, and personal existence, which have essential differences. Methods of reducing and wholeness in presentation of the content of textbooks on physics are compared, resulting in the world integrity picture and mutual complimentary of scientific and theological knowledge in modern world outlook of a person.

Author Biography

V. S. Mikhalkin, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Mikhalkin В. С. (2015). Ontological Sources of Physics Study Course Within World Outlook Aspect of General Scientific Education of Students at Technical Universities. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(3), 119–121. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/3047


