Research of Analysis Filters of Wavelet Transformation of the One-Dimensional Signal Carrying Information on Contours of the Image
compression of images, image compression, detection of contoursAbstract
The article presents the results of research for analysis filters of wavelet transformation of one-dimensional signal of masked image. Masked image is the one-dimensional signal carrying information about the contours of the processed image. The article shows that the contour image data are very specific: in contrast to the whole image data, they have a much higher frequency in nature, since they are the values of brightness of contour and nearcontour pixels. It was found that it is more effective to use the biorthogonal wavelet 8-4 for this kind of data when transformational changes, as it concentrates the energy of such data better than other: it is better than compared to biortogonal wavelet 5-3 by 3 % in average, and better than the biorthogonal wavelet 16-4 by 1,8 % in average.References
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