Research of Analysis Filters of Wavelet Transformation of the One-Dimensional Signal Carrying Information on Contours of the Image


  • A. V. Samohvalov


compression of images, image compression, detection of contours


The article presents the results of research for analysis filters of wavelet transformation of one-dimensional signal of masked image. Masked image is the one-dimensional signal carrying information about the contours of the processed image. The article shows that the contour image data are very specific: in contrast to the whole image data, they have a much higher frequency in nature, since they are the values of brightness of contour and nearcontour pixels. It was found that it is more effective to use the biorthogonal wavelet 8-4 for this kind of data when transformational changes, as it concentrates the energy of such data better than other: it is better than compared to biortogonal wavelet 5-3 by 3 % in average, and better than the biorthogonal wavelet 16-4 by 1,8 % in average.


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How to Cite

Samohvalov А. В. (2015). Research of Analysis Filters of Wavelet Transformation of the One-Dimensional Signal Carrying Information on Contours of the Image. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(4), 69–75. Retrieved from



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