Description of the Approach Implementation of the Algorithm of ACS Module Operation of Information Retrieval
information retrieval problem, structure of formal solutions, structure of problem situation, logical function, simple logical statementAbstract
This article describes the process of developing the algorithm of the module for information retrieval system of adequate communication (ACS), specifically, the functional of this module and technical specifications to its implementation. The main function of the developed module is to provide the system integrity for processes of preparing the manuscript of a scientific work and the process of informational retrieval, and also to increase the effectiveness of an expert during informational retrieval. The main difficulty in development of the algorithm for module operation is the problem of systematization and structuring of the informational retrieval task itself and processing of data within informational retrieval. The paper considers the approach to solving the problem of the representation of the information retrieval process as an algorithm based on the statements of mathematical logics of propositional calculus.References
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