Prerequisites of Modifying the System of Foreign Language Studying at a Technical University for Bachelors and Applied Bachelors with Account of Their Professional Major


  • N. A. Barmina


continuous studying, applied Bachelor’s program, integrative learning


The paper describes the main principles of organizing the foreign language studying at a technical university for future Bachelors. Certain prerequisites of modifying the existing system of education are reveled and substantiated. Several ways of optimizing the integrative learning within continuous studying are proposed with account of Bachelors professional major.


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How to Cite

Barmina Н. А. (2015). Prerequisites of Modifying the System of Foreign Language Studying at a Technical University for Bachelors and Applied Bachelors with Account of Their Professional Major. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 18(4), 109–112. Retrieved from



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