Analysis of Overvoltage Influence on Super Capacitor Characteristics
super capacitor, ionistor, electric double layer capacitor, charge-discharge characteristics, self-discharge, overvoltageAbstract
The technique is developed and researches are conducted on characteristics and parameters of super capacitors (SC) with capacity up to 10 F and with nominal voltage of 2,5 V in the limit operational modes. It is established that SC maintain charging currents to 50 A, permanent voltage to 4 V, impulses of voltage of a second duration to 5 V without essential change of parameters. Increase of a charge voltage to 4,25 V leads to irreversible decrease in capacity and increase in equivalent series resistance and leak current. Breakdown comes at voltage of 5,6±0,1 V. The received results are coordinated with known data and they give the potential of new applications of SC.References
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