The Role of Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language Training in Developing Vocational Education Teachers’ Competitiveness


  • A. A. Gareev


English, professionally-oriented foreign language training, vocational education teacher, competitiveness, labor market, survey


The article discusses the problem of developing vocational teachers’ competitiveness at regional and national levels. It describes the range of opportunities for a teacher, who knows English well enough. Moreover it is shown how necessary English language is for modern specialists, particularly in the field of vocational training. The paper also raises the problem of professionally-oriented foreign language training for teacher’s competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Gareev А. А. (2016). The Role of Professionally-Oriented Foreign Language Training in Developing Vocational Education Teachers’ Competitiveness. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(1), 82–84. Retrieved from



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