On the Question of Formation of Social and Environmental Components of Ecological Culture of Scholars under Introduction of the Federal Educational Standard of General Education
social and environmental components, ecological culture, ecosystem cognitive model, distant learning environment "MOODLE"Abstract
The article considers the aspects of forming the social and environmental components of ecological culture of scholars according to the Federal Educational Standard of General Education. This goal shall be achieved by direct solution of common tasks in mathematics lessons, but with the formulation of a regional environmental priority. The social and environmental component of ecological culture of scholars means here the integrative component of ecological culture, studying the direct human relationship with the natural and social environment and aimed to non-pragmatic human activities not only within the boundaries of the local community, but also beyond. According to the standard the study of “Natural scientific subjects” should provide “... education of responsible and careful attitude to the environment; mastering the cognitive ecosystem model and its application to predict environmental risks to human health, life safety, environmental quality; awareness of the importance of the concept of sustainable development...”. According to Dzyatkovskaya E. N., Zakhlebny A. N. “...The model allows to consider any objects - subjects, phenomena, situations - from the point of view of their relations with the environment; identify emerging environmental controversy; to shape their attitude towards them; to propose feasible ways of their decision”. You could say that the social and environmental component is the dominant component of ecosystem-based cognitive models. Applicability of mathematics in solving social and environmental problems suggests that environmental education in the secondary school should be built in an integrated manner, taking into account interdisciplinary links. Thus the competence approach as the basis of learning, fully directed to the active professionally-oriented learning outcomes, provides opportunities for the greening of contents both for major and secondary subjects, and can even be aimed at the integration of environmental content and professional education. In this study we offer the information support of the project of implementing the process of forming the social and environmental components of ecological culture of scholars using the distant learning environment "MOODLE".References
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How to Cite
Dyukina Н. Г., & Kazarinov А. С. (2016). On the Question of Formation of Social and Environmental Components of Ecological Culture of Scholars under Introduction of the Federal Educational Standard of General Education. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(1), 97–100. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/3185
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