Nature of the Shock Wave Striking Effects on Manpower in Personal Protective Equipment


  • V. V. Kozlov
  • A. V. Vasilyev
  • D. L. Golubtsov


means of individual manpower body armor, shock wave effects, striking factors


Nature and type of ballistic striking effects (shell fragments, shockwave) determining technical requirements towards perspective means of individual manpower body armor have been estimated in the article.


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Там же.



How to Cite

Kozlov В. В., Vasilyev А. В., & Golubtsov Д. Л. (2016). Nature of the Shock Wave Striking Effects on Manpower in Personal Protective Equipment. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 8–11. Retrieved from



Mechanical engineering