Mathematical Modeling of Non-Stationary Inter-Ballistic and Thermal Mechanical Processes of the Output Unit of SPRE with Account of Specific Computations by Multiprocessor Systems


  • R. V. Mormul
  • A. N. Pavlov
  • A. N. Gladkov


solid propellant rocket engine, internal ballistics, ablation, thermal elasticity, thermal degradation, mathematical modeling, safety factor, nozzle block, method of characteristics, finite element method


The paper describes the mathematical model of thermal mechanical behavior of composite materials for thermal protection of solid propellant rocket engines (SPRE) taking into account the internal physical and chemical transformations: thermal degradation, ablation at high temperatures. Much attention is paid to the comparison of computer simulations with experimental data. Methods for calculating the thermal strength of structural elements of the SRM under uneven heating and ablation process-specific calculations on multiprocessor systems are presented. Optimization of structural elements of the front part of the nozzle and the contact pairs “flange-cover” is carried out. Distribution of a minimum safety margin of bearing structural parts of SRM is numerically evaluated.


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How to Cite

Mormul Р. В., Pavlov А. Н., & Gladkov А. Н. (2016). Mathematical Modeling of Non-Stationary Inter-Ballistic and Thermal Mechanical Processes of the Output Unit of SPRE with Account of Specific Computations by Multiprocessor Systems. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 19–23. Retrieved from



Mechanical engineering