The Value of Business Infrastructure for Increase of Economic Security and Efficiency of Regional Innovative Clusters


  • E. B. Khomenko
  • A. G. Kuznetsova


infrastructure of business, innovative cluster, competitiveness, economic security


Developments of the Soviet and Russian theory of infrastructure in economic science are considered. Their periodization taking into account the change of theoretical and methodological approaches to research, the dominating object of research is offered. Authors have analysed questions of dynamics of value of infrastructure of business in systems of higher order and in infrastructure subsystems of economy, utilities, markets. It is defined that in the course of a clustering, the favorable conditions for development of business infrastructure are created that promotes the growth of efficiency and economic security of the enterprises of this cluster and the region in general. Recommendations on application of cluster approach to management in the conditions of information economy as the factor of growth of business entities competitiveness are offered.


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How to Cite

Khomenko Е. Б., & Kuznetsova А. Г. (2016). The Value of Business Infrastructure for Increase of Economic Security and Efficiency of Regional Innovative Clusters. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 30–32. Retrieved from



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