The Mechanism of Effective Interrelation of Complex Automation and Organization of Lean Production in Mechanical Engineering


  • D. M. Malikova


integrated automation concept, concept of “lean production”, machine-building enterprise modernization


The article describes the basic principles and steps of implementation of integrated automation concepts at an engineering company. The initial production conditions of the possibility of the relevant activities identifying the possible difficulties are considered. In addition, the principles and stages of implementation of “lean production” concept are revealed, the necessary production conditions for the implementation of the concept are determined and the potential difficulties are identified. In addition, the author made an attempt to consider the above-mentioned concept as a set of measures on the modernization of production processes in the company. Here, the activities of one concept are complemented and they minimize the costs that the company holds, realizing the second concept. On this basis, the author made a conclusion about the necessity of a comprehensive modernization of the mechanism of the machine-building enterprises on the basis of integrated automation and lean manufacturing concepts.


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Там же.

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How to Cite

Malikova Д. М. (2016). The Mechanism of Effective Interrelation of Complex Automation and Organization of Lean Production in Mechanical Engineering. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 33–36. Retrieved from



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