The Relevance of Providing Economic Security Businesses by Means of Formation of Clusters upon Transition to Information Economy


  • A. G. Kuznetsova
  • E. B. Khomenko
  • L. A. Vatutina


information economy, economic safety, infrastructure of business, economic clustering


Questions of ensuring the economic safety of business as a condition of business at which economic interests of its owners are realized are considered. Modern priorities of the Russian state in the field of providing economic security of large business are analysed, diagnostics of a condition of economic security of corporation is recommended taking into account the threshold values of key indicators. Authors have analysed possibilities of increasing the level of economic security for subjects of business on the basis of formation of territorial clusters. The main objectives of subsystems of infrastructure of business and the direction of influence of transition to information economy to development of the theory of infrastructure of business are defined. The conclusion is drawn on a role of bodies of the regional power and management in the choice of the directions of cluster policy, development of system of business, its infrastructure and economic security.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova А. Г., Khomenko Е. Б., & Vatutina Л. А. (2016). The Relevance of Providing Economic Security Businesses by Means of Formation of Clusters upon Transition to Information Economy. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 40–43. Retrieved from



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