Development of Information Model of Automated Control System for Warehouse and Calculation of Seasonality Index
warehouse, warehouses, modeling, billet products, ER-model, conceptual model, business process modelAbstract
We analyzed the activity of the coffee shop “Coffee Black”, which is part of the Izhevsk restaurant chain “Food Service”. A number of problems was identified related to the delivery of billet products, as well as the key criteria for effective operation of the studied coffee shop were determined. On the basis of the identified criteria, as well as on the earlier analysis of warehouse space and personnel operating team, a model of business processes for the coffee shop was developed, containing the material and information flows, as well as the basic elements, reflecting the trade flow of the coffee shop “Coffee Black”. Further, based on the model created by business processes and after studying its subject area with the processes occurring in it, the ER- and UML-system models were developed. The ER-model of the system allowed identifying the basic structure of the modules of the developed automated system. Based on these models an automated system for analyzing the index of seasonality will be further developed.References
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