Diagnostic Capabilities of the Level of Development of Logical Thinking of Students in the Course of Mathematical Analysis


  • A. G. Gein
  • E. M. Rekant


logical thinking, test diagnostics, logical procedures, substantive tests of achievement


We consider the problem of diagnosing the level of development of logical thinking of students in the study of initial sections of the course of higher mathematics. The test approach has been selected as a tool for diagnosing which has such advantages as objectivity in assessment, measurability of results, and the low dependence on situational circumstances. The complexity of the application of tests to assess the level of development of logical thinking is the stealthiness of logical procedures by which the subject comes to the correct answer. The article describes the main types of logical operations used in mathematical studies and we select those for which we can build a test diagnostic procedure. The article shows an example of the test allowing to diagnose both subject knowledge and skills and the level of development of logical thinking. The level of development of logical thinking of students is diagnosed through the logical steps you need to perform to get the answer. In this connection, the diagnostics has three components: diagnostics of causes of error, listing of the check components of educational achievements and the logical thinking.


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How to Cite

Gein А. Г., & Rekant Е. М. (2016). Diagnostic Capabilities of the Level of Development of Logical Thinking of Students in the Course of Mathematical Analysis. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 139–146. Retrieved from https://izdat.istu.ru/index.php/vestnik/article/view/3257



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