Experience of Application of Interactive Technologies for Manufacturing Precision Long Products


  • A. A. Volynskii
  • A. M. Tikhonov
  • I. B. Shenderov




work rest, mathematical simulation, measurement, optimization, pipes, rectilinearity, turning process, wall thickness


The paper presents the results of analyzing the requirements to manufacturing quality of long parts (pipes) and characteristics of billets for these parts. An interactive technology of manufacturing is described; the purpose of this technology is the production of parts with practically constant wall thickness from billets with great axial deviation from rectilinearity. It is proposed to optimize the billet fixation at the machine-tool basing on calculations and simulations in order to achieve the required manufacturing quality at a lower cost.


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How to Cite

Volynskii А. А., Tikhonov А. М., & Shenderov И. Б. (2016). Experience of Application of Interactive Technologies for Manufacturing Precision Long Products. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(3), 20–22. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2016-3-20-22



Mechanical engineering