Detection of Concentrated Interference in Decimeter Communication Channel When Applying the Wideband Signal
concentrated interference, channel estimation, decimeter range, quality of evaluation, fluctuations, rejectionAbstract
An algorithm is developed for determining the presence of concentrated interference in the band of receiving a wideband communication channel. The application of the discrete Fourier transform is substantiated. A simulation model of the channel is proposed. Contribution of concentrated interference to quality parameters of the proposed algorithm is determined. Impact of the interference band on the quality parameters of the algorithm is estimated.References
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Там же.
How to Cite
Klimov И. З. (2016). Detection of Concentrated Interference in Decimeter Communication Channel When Applying the Wideband Signal. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(3), 50–53.
Radio engineering and communications