Application of Cloud Computing as Way of Improving the Informatization of Management or Medical Institutions of Penal System of Russia


  • A. E. Chernousov
  • E. A. Belyakova
  • S. B. Ponomarev



information technologies, corporate information systems, penal system, cloud computing, medical and sanitary section, architecture of cloudy structure


The review of the world market of cloud computing is provided in article. Prospects of application of cloud computing in informatization of management for medical institutions are shown in this work. The effective model of architecture of cloudy structure for medical and sanitary sections of the penal system is offered.


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How to Cite

Chernousov А. Е., Belyakova Е. А., & Ponomarev С. Б. (2016). Application of Cloud Computing as Way of Improving the Informatization of Management or Medical Institutions of Penal System of Russia. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(3), 58–61.



Informatics, Computer Science and Control (only archive)