Compliance of Carrier Disks of Planetary Gear and Its Influence on Load Distribution in Mesh of Gearwheels


  • A. S. Suntsov



planetary gear, deformability of carrier disks, load distribution


The paper considers a method for solving the problem of stress-strain state of the disk of a compliant carrier in the zone of contact with the axis of the satellite of the planetary gear. The influence of deformability of carrier disks and transmission elements on load distribution along the length of teeth and satellites rims is determined in the presence of the initial misalignment of teeth caused by manufacturing errors of the mechanism.


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How to Cite

Suntsov А. С. (2017). Compliance of Carrier Disks of Planetary Gear and Its Influence on Load Distribution in Mesh of Gearwheels. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(4), 20–22.



Mechanical engineering