Modeling and Predictive Control of Nonlinear Coupled and Underactuated Dynamics of a Hexacopter


  • N. I. Ibrahim



UAV, hexacopter, Kalman filter, nonlinear, coupled


This paper considers the application of Kalman Filtering (KF) for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) identification. A 3 Degree-Of-Freedom (DOF), nonlinear, coupled, and underactuated dynamics were considered for formulating the mathematical model to be used in numerical simulation. This work presents a simulation study that investigates unknown dynamics model parameters estimation of a hexacopter UAV under the presence of noisy feedback signals. Subspace identification method via principle component analysis was used to identify a precise nonlinear model based on Kalman filter to estimate and predict the hexacopter’s altitude. The results are compared with those obtained without using the predictive technique.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim И. Н. (2017). Modeling and Predictive Control of Nonlinear Coupled and Underactuated Dynamics of a Hexacopter. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(4), 35–38.



Mechanical engineering