The Programming Model of Assessment and Monitoring of the Regional Effectiveness of Innovations: Purpose, Content, Objectives of Formation


  • O. M. Shatalova



innovations, regional effectiveness, programming model, system approach


The article presents the main conditions determining the content and the purpose of the programming model of the regional effectiveness assessment that is actual in the system of the state stimulation of innovative activity in the region. Conclusions about the directions of implementation and the main tasks of developing the programming model of the regional effectiveness assessment, based on the system methodology from the positions of non-stochastic uncertainty, have been formulated.


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Шаталова О. М. Подходы к реализации стимулирующих мер фискального регулирования в системе контроллинга инновационных процессов на предприятии // Вестник Университета (Государственный университет управления). - 2014. - № 13. - С. 86-91.

Публикация подготовлена в рамках поддержанного РГНФ научного проекта № 15-12-18001.



How to Cite

Shatalova О. М. (2017). The Programming Model of Assessment and Monitoring of the Regional Effectiveness of Innovations: Purpose, Content, Objectives of Formation. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(4), 50–53.



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