Investigation of the Influence of the Projectile Design on the Armor Penetration of Homogeneous Steel Barriers


  • V. G. Sufiyanov



penetration, armor-piercing core, homogeneous steel barrier, complex model, artillery shot, mathematical modeling


The article discusses the results of mathematical modeling for the penetration process of homogeneous steel barrier by armor-piercing discarding sabot projectile based on the results of modeling the internal and external ballistics. Based on elastic-plastic material model the problem is solved for penetration of the projectile into the target. Parametric studies have shown that for a nominal charge the final speed of the projectile when approaching the target and the depth of penetration of a steel barrier are non-monotonic, depending on the weight of the active part of the projectile and, respectively, on the diameter of the armor-piercing core.


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How to Cite

Sufiyanov В. Г. (2017). Investigation of the Influence of the Projectile Design on the Armor Penetration of Homogeneous Steel Barriers. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(4), 82–85.



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