Problems of Synthesis of Gears on the Basis of Involute Conical Initial Link in Generalizing Parameters


  • O. N. Tsukanov Bauman Moscow State Technical University



involute conical initial link, generalizing parameters, generalized area of existence of gearing, local area of existence of gearing, geometric and kinematical indicators


The urgency of solving the problems of synthesis of gears on the basis of an involute conical initial link in generalizing parameters is shown. Examples are given for application of gears with involute-conical wheels when developing the gearboxes for drives of high speed and heavy loaded ships and high-precision drives for space engineering. Mathematical provision is represented for the synthesis of gearing on the basis of an involute conical initial link in generalizing parameters: the equation of the face profile for teeth of the enveloped element and the equation of the tooth surface of the enveloping element that is in general case a non-involute conical element, the surfaces being obtained using the generalized scheme of gears. The possible generalized and local areas of existence of non-involute meshing of gears with intersecting axes which can be obtained in their synthesis on the basis of the involute conical initial link with internal and external teeth are described. The question of choosing the relation between the angle of the tooth profile on the circumference of tooth apexes of this gearwheel and the face angle of meshing, which determines the shape of the generating surface of tooth apexes for this gearwheel is discussed. The basic methods of management of quality indicators of the gearing with the involute conical initial link at the synthesis stage in the generalized area of their existence with the help of local areas of existence are described.

Author Biography

O. N. Tsukanov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Tsukanov О. Н. (2017). Problems of Synthesis of Gears on the Basis of Involute Conical Initial Link in Generalizing Parameters. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 20–23.



Mechanical engineering