Theoretical and Experimental Research of Spherical Roller Transmissions


  • M. E. Lustenkov Belarusian-Russian University
  • E. S. Lustenkova Belarusian-Russian University



transmission, gearbox, rolling body, cam, efficiency


Mechanical transmissions with intermediate rolling bodies are currently being used to solve specific engineering tasks. They have a low material consumption and high load carrying capacity as the power transmission is carried out in several parallel flows, equal to the number of rolling elements. The disadvantages of many design schemes that prevent widespread use in the industry include low efficiency and poor reliability. The paper deals with the analysis and design of mechanical transmissions with intermediate rolling bodies having the trajectories of centers of mass situated on a spherical surface. Rollers interact with spherical cams, forming spatial closed periodic treadmills. The advantages are small axial and radial dimensions, the possibility of combining the gear mechanism assembly and the angular coupling in one layout. Designs of spherical roller transmissions are considered, a comparative analysis of two- and three-link mechanisms is performed, the results of the power analysis are presented; and the theoretical assessment of power losses is performed. The results of experimental studies of efficiency and noise characteristics for the designed speed gearboxes are given. The conclusion is grounded for the competitiveness of spherical roller transmissions as the general engineering mechanical transmission in the range of gear ratios 3 ... 15, and shaft rotation speed of not more than 3000 min-1.

Author Biographies

M. E. Lustenkov, Belarusian-Russian University

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

E. S. Lustenkova, Belarusian-Russian University



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How to Cite

Lustenkov М. Е., & Lustenkova Е. С. (2017). Theoretical and Experimental Research of Spherical Roller Transmissions. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 23–27.



Mechanical engineering