Construction, Renovation and Upgrading of Social Infrastructure Nowadays


  • M. V. Romanova Kalashnikov ISTU



public-private partnership, social infrastructure, communal sector, construction, upgrading


The paper is devoted to the development of guidelines on organizing the construction, renovation and upgrading of the current state social infrastructure in Russian regions in general, and in the Udmurt Republic, in particular. The relevance of this paper is due to the need of finding the additional financial and non-financial resources to carry out a comprehensive modernization of housing and municipal economies. It requires upgrading the municipal infrastructure through the establishment of legal, organizational, economic conditions and significant infusion of funds into this sector, which is possible with the help of public-private partnership. Currently, there is an absence of the detailed guideline how to use the public-private partnerships’ advantages in order to construct social facilities and to upgrade social infrastructure. It is concluded that the proposed recommendations and real-time monitoring will help to achieve matching between the rates of social infrastructure development and housing construction. It represents the conditions, which are necessary to improve the construction process and modernization of municipal infrastructure. Thereby the quality of public services will grow at constant prices.

Author Biography

M. V. Romanova, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Romanova М. В. (2017). Construction, Renovation and Upgrading of Social Infrastructure Nowadays. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 62–64.



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