Automated Calculation of Dimensional Chains with Variable Transmission Ratios Based on Interval Optimization Methods
dimensional chain, calculation, gun trigger mechanism, variable gear ratios, interval methods of optimizationAbstract
The research refers to difficulties relating the calculation accuracy of complex dimensional chains (DC) with mobile units in modern CAD systems. The simple examples are given, where existing commercial design systems can't guarantee the accuracy of results. It is proposed to consider the problem of calculating the dimension chain as two global optimization problems and use an algorithm for global interval optimizing by method of Hansen that allows for solving real complex problems with high accuracy in a reasonable time. The paper gives the results of applying the advanced interval numerical methods for optimization to solve the problem with the guaranteed assigned accuracy by the example of calculating the Makarov gun trigger mechanism. Application of the advanced interval numerical methods of optimization to the problem of calculation of dimensional chains in the general optimization statement allows for solving qualitatively the real problems of calculating the dimensional chains with variable gear ratios with the high assigned accuracy in a reasonable time.References
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