Basics of Optimization Algorithm for Insulating Porous Materials Structure


  • K. L. Domnina Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. N. Karakulov Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU



heat transfer, foam concrete, matrix, pores, thermal conductivity, optimality criteria


Nowadays due to the toughening of requirements for thermal protection of buildings the demand for high-quality insulating porous materials increased significantly. The development tasks are associated with uncertainties in various areas. At first, they are the uncertainty of the real functioning of the future construction and uncertainty of the set of tasks which are evaluated by the performance criteria. In the paper the necessity of developing the mathematical models of dependences of different material parameters is grounded. The method of creating the criterion of thermal conductivity of a porous material is proposed by the example of foam non-autoclave concrete. The thermal conductivity of porous materials depends on the nature of the porosity. It is also determined by the density. In accordance with this statement the analysis of heat transfer in concrete block is done. Heat transfer is considered through the foam block as a whole and through its components separately: cement matrix and pores filled with air. The functional dependence of the flow parameters from the humidity, porosity, size and number of pores, the content of water in them, and the structure of cement matrix are given. The formula for determining the coefficient of thermal conductivity of foam concrete is presented. The task of finding the optimality criteria for foam concrete constructions, which can be solved by multi-criteria optimization, is formalized.

Author Biographies

K. L. Domnina, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

M. N. Karakulov, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Domnina К. Л., & Karakulov М. Н. (2017). Basics of Optimization Algorithm for Insulating Porous Materials Structure. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 108–110.



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