Physical Education of Russian Students in the XX and XXI Centuries


  • A. Y. Anisimova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • I. G. Gibadyllin Kalashnikov ISTU



higher education institutions, students, work programs, physical training, exercise, physical education


Analysis of physical education in our country shows that its development is characterized by the periodic change of direction and priorities of the content. These priorities are directly linked to foreign policy, with the state and health of the nation, with new theoretical and practical scientific developments of leading scholars and teachers in the country. Change of direction is quite frequent in domestic physical education in higher educational institutions. The reason for this phenomenon is, first and foremost, that the establishment of the methodology of physical education in educational institutions of our country took place in an environment where even basic components of scientifically-methodical fundamentals of the disciplines were not developed. At different stages of the subject formation the educational process has been focused on different objectives: military training; preparation for employment; Communist upbringing and the formation of a new man; preparation to the complex of GTO norms; training sports reserve; formation of the competences, etc.

Author Biographies

A. Y. Anisimova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Education

I. G. Gibadyllin, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Education, Professor


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How to Cite

Anisimova А. Ю., & Gibadyllin И. Г. (2017). Physical Education of Russian Students in the XX and XXI Centuries. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 111–113.



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