Indexes of Physical Preparedness of Cadets of Engineering Specialties of the Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation on the Basis of Bioenergetic Types of the Body


  • I. G. Gibadullin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. S. Kozhevnikov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • А. А. Smirnov Perm Military Institute of Russian National Guard



bioenergy type, cadets, physical fitness


The paper analyzes the indexes of physical preparedness of cadets of engineering specialties of the Military Institute of national guard troops of the Russian Federation with different bioenergetic types of body. The aim of the study was to investigate the level of physical preparedness of students of 1-4 courses of engineering specialties of the Perm Military Institute of national guard troops of the Russian Federation on the basis of bioenergetic types of the body. The study involved 80 students (year 1: n=20; year 2: n=20; year 3: n=20; year 4: n=20). To determine the membership of students to a particular type of bioenergy the technique of Express assessment of the functional state and reserve capacity of the organism D&K Test was used. We have assigned cadets of the 1st-2nd bioenergetic groups to the aerobic type. Cadets of the 3rd bioenergy group were assigned to the mixed type. Cadets of the 4th-5th bioenergetic groups were assigned to the anaerobic type. It is revealed that there are three cadets’ bioenergetic types in different ratios in all courses. On average, among all four courses 37.5% of the students are referred to the aerobic type, 26.25% to the mixed type and 36.25% to the anaerobic type. In most cases, in all tests the highest values are shown by the cadets of the mixed type, and the lowest values are shown by the cadets of the aerobic type.

Author Biographies

I. G. Gibadullin, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Education, Professor

V. S. Kozhevnikov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Education

А. А. Smirnov, Perm Military Institute of Russian National Guard


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How to Cite

Gibadullin И. Г., Kozhevnikov В. С., & Smirnov А. А. (2017). Indexes of Physical Preparedness of Cadets of Engineering Specialties of the Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation on the Basis of Bioenergetic Types of the Body. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 118–121.



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