Social Approach to the Training of Future Economists in the Modern System of Higher Education of the Russian Federation and Abroad


  • S. V. Mishina Bunin Yelets State University



social approach, competitiveness of higher education, professional training of future economists, professional competence, professionally significant qualities


The paper analyzes the problem of realization of social approach to training future economists in the United States, European Union, Japan and the Russian Federation. According to the author, social approach is based on the idea of competitiveness of the future economist. The implementation of this approach in national systems of higher education is expressed at the level of graduate models, including the requirements for the level of his professional competence and professionally important qualities.

Author Biography

S. V. Mishina, Bunin Yelets State University


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How to Cite

Mishina С. В. (2017). Social Approach to the Training of Future Economists in the Modern System of Higher Education of the Russian Federation and Abroad. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(1), 124–126.



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