Prospects of Tooth Generation by Means of Two-Parametric Families of Generating Lines
gear, generation process, generating lineAbstract
Generation of surfaces by means of generating lines is traditionally considered to be a less common method than generation by means of generating surfaces; nevertheless, it can provide for essential advantages in manufacturability, flexibility and practical implementation. The paper describes the proposed methods for generation of teeth of spiroid gears by means of two-parametric families of generating lines, that is, cutting edges of cutters. The methods are implemented at common gear-milling machine-tools and CNC lathes by means of a single-tooth (fly cutter) or multiple-tooth assembled tool (cutting head with hard-alloy cutters). Relations for geometry analysis of the generated gearwheel teeth are presented in accordance with the condition of complanarity of vectors of relative velocity at generation and of the vector which is tangent to the generating line; and relations for calculation of generation parameters in accordance with the condition of belonging of the pointed vectors and the vector of relative velocity in meshing to one plane. Prospects of implementation of tooth generation by means of the mentioned families are considered for the agreed rotations of the blank and tool of the face, plane, cylindrical and bevel types.References
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