Development of Solid Models of Involute-Bevel Gearwheels
solid model, involute-bevel gearwheel, models of gears, generating rackAbstract
With modern design of gear units there is a need for solid models of gears. Obviously, generation of solid models for conventional spur and helical gears is straightforward due to application of standard software such as COMPAS-3D, Inventor and so on. At the same time, the task of obtaining the model of involute-bevel gearwheels, especially due to their geometry, still requires solutions. This paper presents a method for producing solid models by simulating the machine-tool meshing of involute-bevel gears and the generating rack. The parameters of the generating rack can be set at the request of the designer. Models of a spur involute-bevel gearwheel, a helical involute-bevel gearwheel and a gearwheel with internal teeth are presented. As an example, models of various gears composed of involute-bevel gearwheels are shown. Solid models of gearwheels and gears can be used for assessment of their stress-strain state.References
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