Method for Analysis of Elastically and Plastically Heavy-Loaded Low-Speed Spiroid Gear
LTCA, multi-pair heavy-loaded gear, elastic and plastic contactAbstract
The paper considers the problem of LTCA for a heavy-loaded low-speed multi-pair spiroid gear with account of the influence of elastic contact and bending-and-shearing and bending-and-plastic contact interaction of gearwheel teeth and worm threads. The problem of LTCA of the elastically and plastically loaded gear is considered as combination of two problems: analysis (calculation of parameters of the loaded contact) and synthesis (search for the required geometry). Rejection of the finite-element method is substantiated, the method being widely applied for solving the problems of LTCA. Description is given for the developed algorithm for calculation of load distribution with account of the elastic and elastically plastic character of multi-pair contact of the spiroid gear having a complex spatial geometry. The model for calculation of the value of plastic deformation depending on the primary assessment of displacements in elastic contact is proposed. The influence of manufacturing errors of the gear on the loading level of its individual pairs “tooth-thread” is shown.References
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