To the Question of Developing a Technique for Measuring the Parameters of Gears with a Hyperboloidal Dividing Surface and Assigning the Accuracy Standards


  • M. V. Pechenkin Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (KAI)
  • A. R. Abzalov Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (KAI)
  • V. E. Shustov ADM-Prof LLC



measurement of hyperbolid gears, accuracy standards


The issues of using existing monitoring tools for measuring the parameters of gears with hyperboloidal dividing surfaces are considered. Recommendations are given for the choice of instrumental measuring instruments, taking into account the geometric features of the gear wheels in question. An approach is proposed for measuring the parameters of a cogwheel using 3D coordinate measuring machines. Measurement of the parameters of gears with a hyperboloidal dividing surface assumes the use of data from a point cloud obtained on 3D coordinate measuring machines. To implement the proposed approach, the surface of the physical model of the cogwheel is scanned on a 3D coordinate measuring machine. Further, convert the point cloud to the CAD model and perform auxiliary constructions, or use automatic comparison in the software complexes of the “real” surface of the gear wheel with the “ideal” one. For a justified assignment of the accuracy standards, it is suggested to analyze the effect of manufacturing errors of individual elements on the indicators of smoothness of motion, kinematic accuracy in CAD-systems in NX "Simulation of kinematic mechanisms". The tooth contact is analyzed and the load transfer is smooth in a virtual environment. In the process of analysis, a solid model is used, obtained from a 3D coordinate measuring machine based on the physical model of the gear wheel. In the implementation of virtual analysis, the errors in the manufacture of kinematic pair elements are modeled, and the load in the form of a friction torque is provided. Based on the results of the simulation, a decision is made to assign the accuracy standards. The considered approaches are supposed to be used as a basis for developing a methodology for measuring parameters and rationally assigning accuracy standards for gears with hyperboloidal dividing surfaces.

Author Biographies

M. V. Pechenkin, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (KAI)

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. R. Abzalov, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev (KAI)

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

V. E. Shustov, ADM-Prof LLC


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How to Cite

Pechenkin М. В., Abzalov А. Р., & Shustov В. Э. (2017). To the Question of Developing a Technique for Measuring the Parameters of Gears with a Hyperboloidal Dividing Surface and Assigning the Accuracy Standards. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 87–90.



Mechanical engineering