Problems in Gearing Standardization and Some Results in Normative Documentation Development. Part 1. Standardization in the field of gear precision, failure modes and manufacturing
gear drives, standardization, harmonization, basic rack tooth profile, accuracy indices, gear failure modesAbstract
The modern situation and general trends in the development of gearing standardization system is considered. The problems of harmonization of standards GOST and STB with international and national standards of foreign countries are discussed, in particular, the standards, regulating demands on basic rack tooth profiles, accuracy indices, deterministic and probabilistic methods of strength design, that is, the development of recommendations for making a new key standards, which do not contradict with the requirements of ISO standards and retaining the useful part of domestic documents, with many years of experience are discussed. In addition, during the transition to international standards it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the established standards of strength, production and operation of gears in various branches of engineering. The drawbacks of the GOST standards for gears are shown, that were previously the basis to regulate the relations between buyers and producers of gear cutting equipment and tools. Currently, foreign machine tool industry has created a fundamentally new design of equipment and tools for production and control gears. The technology of gear manufacturing has been basically changed. Domestic manufacturers of gears continue to use the outdated standards and the principles of old technologies of gear transmission manufacturing are retained. In connection with the need to respond to requirements to reduce noise and increase the service life of gears the purchase of certain types of foreign gear cutting equipment starts. Attempts to introduce modern gear cutting equipment for the manufacture of gears on outdated GOST standards and outdated technology ultimately does not lead to the desired improvement of manufacturing quality gears. In separate sections the specific description of elaborated standards is given, in particular: gear failure modes, gear production methods.References
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