About Experience of Manufacture and Maintenance of Gears From the New Structural Material “Monika”


  • V. V. Komissarov Belarusian State University of Transport
  • E. S. Taranova Belarusian State University of Transport
  • P. S. Drobyshevsky OJSC “Gomselmash”
  • V. O. Zamyatin OJSC “Gomselmash”
  • S. A. Tyurin OJSC “Gomselmash”
  • L. А. Sosnovskiy S&P Group Tribofatigue Ltd.




gears, high-test cast iron, harvester, technique, mechanical properties, operational trials


Results of experience of creation of iron tooth gears in diameter about 0,5 m of board gearboxes of high-duty harvesters of production of OJCS "Gomselmash" from a special high-test cast iron of brand VCHTG with high mechanical properties ("Monika") (patent RB № 15617) are presented. Results of working off of technique of casting and probes of a complex of mechanical and auxiliary properties of iron VCHTG, results of calculations for stress loadings and longevities of gears from the given material, and also the data about operation trials of gears as a part of board gearboxes of harvesters are given.

Author Biographies

V. V. Komissarov, Belarusian State University of Transport

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

E. S. Taranova, Belarusian State University of Transport

P. S. Drobyshevsky, OJSC “Gomselmash”

V. O. Zamyatin, OJSC “Gomselmash”

S. A. Tyurin, OJSC “Gomselmash”

PhD in Engineering

L. А. Sosnovskiy, S&P Group Tribofatigue Ltd.

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Komissarov В. В., Taranova Е. С., Drobyshevsky П. С., Zamyatin В. О., Tyurin С. А., & Sosnovskiy Л. А. (2017). About Experience of Manufacture and Maintenance of Gears From the New Structural Material “Monika”. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 107–112. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2017-2-107-112



Mechanical engineering