New Technique for Laser Modification of Surfaces of Low-Speed Heavy-Loaded Sliding Supports


  • V. I. Goldfarb Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. S. Trubachev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. V. Kharanzhevskiy Udmurt State University
  • A. G. Ipatov Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy
  • K. V. Bogdanov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • Y. Y. Matveyeva JSC “IEMZ Kupol”



sliding bearing, laser modification of surfaces


Tough competition with leading foreign manufacturers stimulates searching for new solutions for supposedly thoroughly studied theme of improving the technical and economic performances of sliding supports. One of the best solutions used for low-speed heavy-loaded supports became in fact the application of metal fluoroplastic sheet (coated by powder bronze infiltrated by fluorine plastic). The paper considers the main issues of development of the alternative material of the mentioned supports by creating the strong antifriction composition on the surface of the steel sheet, the composition being based on babbit, molybdenum disulphide and graphite. In particular, the issues of material selection, laser treatment, comparative experimental investigation and mastering the series production of sliding supports are presented. The mentioned supports are practically competitive with the best foreign samples in accordance with antifriction properties and durability, but they are advantageous in their significantly lower cost.

Author Biographies

V. I. Goldfarb, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor, Institute of Mechanics

E. S. Trubachev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

E. V. Kharanzhevskiy, Udmurt State University

DSc in Engineering

A. G. Ipatov, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering

K. V. Bogdanov, Kalashnikov ISTU


Y. Y. Matveyeva, JSC “IEMZ Kupol”


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How to Cite

Goldfarb В. И., Trubachev Е. С., Kharanzhevskiy Е. В., Ipatov А. Г., Bogdanov К. В., & Matveyeva Ю. Ю. (2017). New Technique for Laser Modification of Surfaces of Low-Speed Heavy-Loaded Sliding Supports. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 112–117.



Mechanical engineering