Assessment of Risks for Introduction of “Green Building” Technology


  • T. N. Ivanova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • G. S. Gabrielyan Kalashnikov ISTU



green building, risk management, investment and construction projects, economic efficiency, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness


The erection of green buildings can help solve many problems, the main one of which is the energy efficiency. In general, the desire to move to a green architecture contributes to the improvement of the environment, the preservation of a healthy society, the reduction of the level of consumption of energy and material resources, and the development of advanced technologies. However, to make a decision on the feasibility of implementing energy-saving projects, they calculate their economic efficiency. It is necessary to take into account the incompleteness and inaccuracy of the information, as well as the possibility of undesirable consequences in the implementation of projects and obtaining less economic effect than expected. At present, insufficient attention is paid to the problems of risk management in the implementation of investment energy-saving projects, therefore, the task of identifying, assessing and reducing the risks of energy saving is, of course, urgent. The paper assesses the risks of using the Green Building technology. Using the example of a real capital construction site, a 16-story residential building in Izhevsk, a monitoring system is provided that allows the project to make changes that increase its energy efficiency without compromising security requirements and minimizing risk. Economic efficiency is calculated from the reduction of the duration of construction, due to the use of modern materials during construction.

Author Biographies

T. N. Ivanova, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

G. S. Gabrielyan, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Ivanova Т. Н., & Gabrielyan Ж. С. (2017). Assessment of Risks for Introduction of “Green Building” Technology. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 121–123.



Mechanical engineering