Measurement of Economic Losses from Workforce Outflow to Abroad


  • A. V. Soklakova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. N. Likhachev



human capital, workforce, investors and owners, measurement of economic losses


This paper expounds the methodology of human capital measuring by using the minimum price of workforce supply and the maximum price of demand for workforce. Authors substantiate the methods for measuring the state losses from workforce outflow and give a calculation example based on data of the Federal State Statistic Service of the Russian Federation.

Author Biographies

A. V. Soklakova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Economics

V. N. Likhachev,

PhD in Economics


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How to Cite

Soklakova А. В., & Likhachev В. Н. (2017). Measurement of Economic Losses from Workforce Outflow to Abroad. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 123–127.



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