Declarative Approach Design Technique: Requirements Analysis


  • V. G. Tarasov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. O. Trifonov Kalashnikov ISTU



software design, requirements analysis, design techniques, declarative designing, UML


This paper researches current problems of modern design techniques. Main disadvantages of the modern software design techniques are the inconsistency of fast changing requirements in the rapidly expanding software industry, complexity of maintenance and support due to the predominance of the imperative component and a weak documentation coverage degree. The characteristic of the Domain Driven Design method is given, determined advantages and disadvantages of this method. The conclusion is made about the need of creation a new methodology that considers the features and requirements of modern design processes. The Declarative Approach Design Technique is proposed. It considers the design process in the form of consequent stages: “Definition of System Requirements”, “Analysis”, “Design and Development”. The technique is based on formal rules for a declarative transition between different stages of the design process. The stages “Definition of System Requirements” and “Analysis” of the proposed methodology are reviewed based on the designing example of the sports programming competition system BACS. At the stage of “Defining System Requirements”, a domain dictionary was defined. The result of the “Analysis” stage is a domain model, a formal definition of the external characteristics of the processes and their dependency on each other, is presented in the Use Cases diagram. The received descriptions and diagrams are used as input data for the next stage “Design”.

Author Biographies

V. G. Tarasov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Professor

A. O. Trifonov, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Tarasov В. Г., & Trifonov А. О. (2017). Declarative Approach Design Technique: Requirements Analysis. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 143–149.



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